Friday, July 15, 2016

God and life.

Today I got home and was reading some scripture.
Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Mathew 18:3
So what does it mean to become like a child?
I look at my ten month old. I see how happy she is to see mommy and yeah...sometimes I see her when she goes to grandmas house. All giggly and smiles. Always full of life.
Another bible says have faith like a child.
So what does a child's faith look like.?
My wife and I decided or should I say Grace decided she wants to sleep with mommy and Daddy. And I have no problem with this. MOST of the time. Like when she actually sleeps.  Sometimes we wait for mommy to come into the room and if I don't hold her back...she'd run right off the bed...and by run I mean crawl...even though she does walk by
She crawls and doesn't look where she is because she doesn't need to. She knows mommy will save her at the end of the bed. Every time without question.
Is that the faith we need? Do we need to be more like children in the sense of wonder they have about everything?
When they have a booboo and mommy kisses it it feels all better. Without question. It just does.
That's the faith we should have. That's the faith we need. The faith that God Will Provide. The faith that God's Will in our lives is to make us better. The faith that he will catch you before you fall. No matter what. And if you do get booboos along the way...they'll feel better after the father kisses it.