Friday, July 15, 2016

God and life.

Today I got home and was reading some scripture.
Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Mathew 18:3
So what does it mean to become like a child?
I look at my ten month old. I see how happy she is to see mommy and yeah...sometimes I see her when she goes to grandmas house. All giggly and smiles. Always full of life.
Another bible says have faith like a child.
So what does a child's faith look like.?
My wife and I decided or should I say Grace decided she wants to sleep with mommy and Daddy. And I have no problem with this. MOST of the time. Like when she actually sleeps.  Sometimes we wait for mommy to come into the room and if I don't hold her back...she'd run right off the bed...and by run I mean crawl...even though she does walk by
She crawls and doesn't look where she is because she doesn't need to. She knows mommy will save her at the end of the bed. Every time without question.
Is that the faith we need? Do we need to be more like children in the sense of wonder they have about everything?
When they have a booboo and mommy kisses it it feels all better. Without question. It just does.
That's the faith we should have. That's the faith we need. The faith that God Will Provide. The faith that God's Will in our lives is to make us better. The faith that he will catch you before you fall. No matter what. And if you do get booboos along the way...they'll feel better after the father kisses it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Once upon a time, or at least that's how most stories go.
Grace your going to be growing up in a technologically advanced civilization more then what your mother and I had. I want you to know some things. Number one, seek out the truth. your mother and I strongly believe in God. Not because we were brought up that way either. You see when i was in the army I went to a lot of different religious churches. some of those churches were not what you might expect. This one church i went to, with your mother, and your grandparents, was quite a shock to us all. Lets just say we looked like an inside out dalmatian: all black with one white spot smack dab in the middle of the congregation.
But they were so happy to have us there. And nothing suffocates you more then a happy hefty African american lady squeezing the life out of you kinda hug.
Another church I went to by myself was interesting as well. Everyone was so happy and cheerful. they talked about the universe and spirits, and it was then that i found out i was in a Wiccan meeting....GULP..
okay back to seeking the truth. You are going to grow up with an evolution mindset society. Everywhere you look you will be blasted with the evolution THEORY. Theory is all it is but everyone is talking like its fact. I want you to look at that carefully. Because as of right now my sweet sweet child, there has been no fossil evidence, no transformation from one species to another, NOTHING at all. yet society has been brainwashed into thinking there is. In fact most calculations, fossil evidence, archaeological findings, historical documents, etc, all point back to the Bible or texts from the Bible.
Evolutionist say that religious people bury their heads when it comes to facts and and do not want to hear what they want to say. I'm writing this because I have listened to them because I want to know the truth for myself. And the more I listen to them, the more realize we agree on the same point: we came from nothing. As a believer in God, we came from God creating us out of nothing.
here we differ. you see, evolution believes we are here by mere chance. Its funny because Hawkins, a brainiac said he believes we came from nothing, the big bang per say. and he also believes we are the only ones out there in the universe( in a ted talk) hmmm, we are here by chance, no signs of life outside our planet, an incalculable chance. that seems a bit far feched. the perfect storm of conditions just happen to create pond scum, which then after billions and billions of years became us, an intelligent, emotional creatures. think about that one. think about dna, think about the machine code written in us, think about all the different creatures all over the world. think about the entire creation we live in. and think about if its all for nothing, or if we were made for a purpose.
I love you grace. You are my daughter which I honestly could never fathom with all the chaos in life.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

5 months old already!?!?!

The laughing and crying. The goofiness when you're tired. The love I see between you and mommy. The happiness I feel when I sneak into the room and you see me and start grinning from ear to ear.
You are such an amazing child. Your mother and I are so Happy. My Ears are not so happy sometimes. Yesterday you started your happy squealing. Just smiling and squealing. Its cute but  The pitch of your squeal is to high it vibrates the eardrums. Just something cute that i want you to know year from now. We love you. I think its funnier when Grandma gets you and you do it alll dayyyy longggg. has to leave the room.