Monday, September 13, 2021

Rough DAys

 The Covid Crap is going on right now. 

Everything is on pins and needles. We are in a totally torn society. Both sides are fighting for us. Both sides are sincerely concerned about our well being. 

Both sides have doctors, lawyers, who have data about why you should or shouldn't get the vaccine.

Its very frustrating as the media pushes vaccines, but the other media does not. 

In my lifetime this  has been the worst faught over issue. 

The stress of my wife working double shifts in the nursing home because of constant quitters, scared people and just flat out lazy people in their jobs, is causing havoc  emotionally in our home. 

WIth 2 kids she want so badly to be home with (cannot because of debt), to almost losing my job over the pandemic, is showing where both our attetions are pointed at. 

Mine is more a provider mentallity, hers is helping and the kids.

Its freaking crazy. 

Update: 1-26-23

A new company has taken over my wifes work place. At first they wined and dined the employees. Telling the ones that were there how better it would be for them, etc. 

Only she got another chauvinistic non understanding manager.  Different gender, same ol crap. no raises, no benefits of staying there. her mentality is slowly getting worse. 

Id love for her to venture out in her own job, but the discipline would need to be there. 

I know she has such great potential in her job, but ever since covid one wants to work. 

as the army cadence goes, here we go again same old song again. Through the chaos I found myself being drawn closer to searching Gods word which I did not expect that. But questions are and truths I thought I knew, needed backed up. 

Thanks a lot TOdd friel. lol. love ya brother. 


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